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200px-Oscar_Wilde.jpg"La valeur d'une idée n'a rien à voir avec la conviction de celui qui l'exprime. Bien mieux, moins le défenseur est sincère et plus l'idée a la chance d'être purement intellectuelle car elle ne reflète en ce cas ni ses intérêts, ni ses désirs, ni ses préjugés."

     Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)



images.jpg"La décadence d'une société commence quand l'homme se demande : "que va-t-il arriver?" au lieu de se demander : "que puis-je faire?" "

      Denis de Rougemont (1906-1985)



honore.jpg"Tout pouvoir est une conspiration permanente"

     Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850)

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GCPEGGCAASKWHUCAHRZX83CA6Z5BO7CAM7WZ8JCA36U1VJCA5K613NCAV5YWRBCAP6BXQ1CAM1VW6SCAZDURIYCAAZ24EECASQ5J6RCAIKK125CAT15JD0CA3ONEH3CA8F4GU0CAV2I03XCAAT6X6CCA520XH2.jpg"Une petite rébellion de temps en temps, c'est comme une orange qui purifie l'atmosphère."

      Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)



imageskkjjk.jpg"The urban guerrilla is a person who fights the military dictatorship with weapons, using unconventional methods. A revolutionary and an ardent patriot, he is a fighter for his country's liberation, a friend of the people and of freedom. The area in which the urban guerrilla operates is in the large Brazilian cities. There are also criminals or outlaws who work in the big cities. Many times, actions by criminals are taken to be actions by urban guerrillas.

The urban guerrilla, however, differs radically from the criminal. The criminal benefits personally from his actions, and attacks indiscrimminately without distinguishing between the exploiters and the exploited, which is why there are so many ordinary people among his victims. The urban guerrilla follows a political goal, and only attacks the government, the big businesses and the foreign imperialists."

         Carlos Marighella